If you are interested in enrolling your child at Trentham District Primary School, please call 54241364 to make an appointment. We are happy to arrange meetings with the Principal and tours with the school leaders, providing you with the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
Enrolling your child
We look forward to your child’s enrolment with Trentham District Primary School. We pride ourselves on building a vibrant school community where children can thrive socially, academically and physically.
Children enrolling in Prep must be at least 5 years of age by 30 April in the year in which they enrol.
The enrolment process is very simple. The steps to enrol are:
Transition Program
We do everything we can to make your child’s transition into Trentham District Primary as smooth as possible, whatever their age. The transition from kindergarten and pre-school into Prep is a very important time for all children. Each child brings a unique mix of abilities, needs, and attitudes towards learning, and we approach their transition based upon this individual mix.
Our school-wide buddies program is also designed to support children in grades 2, 3 and 4 who join our school, ensuring that they have an immediate buddy in the school which creates immediate social connections.
Important dates:
Transition program dates will be included on our school calendar closer to those terms. Meanwhile, please contact the Principal for more information about this program.